Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Will it Creamer- How it Came to Be


So Will it Creamer was really my first idea for a series on Java Central. It started as an inspiration from the 'Will it' videos from Good Mythical Morning. I've always been a huge fan of Rhett and Link and thought it would be fun little series inspired by their own series.

My first idea for 'Will it Creamer' was to be set up just like Good Mythical Mornings (GMM). I would make my episode about whatever I was going to make that week and follow it up with a will it creamer on some random thing I would put in my coffee, drink it, probably throw it back up, and just have a good ole time with it. Problem is, we as a society can't pay attention that long (with me being guilty of this as well) and a 15 minute video of some random guy blabbering on about coffee would make anyone want to go nuts. So I decided to make it a monthly thing.

Now like many youtubers, we have all sorts of dreams and aspirations to do it once a month but then, you know, we got other super awesome ideas for a video and completely forget about our original idea.

Now the idea for this particular will it creamer was inspired by my pumpkin spice latte recipe. I thought to myself, 'you know, self, some people probably don't like pumpkin spice lattes and think they are gross. I wonder if someone would want to watch my hairy chinned self drink a really gross one...' Then I began brewing up ideas on how to make it gross. First, I would have to make it with actual pumpkin. Not from like a can, like a wuss but an actual pumpkin. Now I could have brought a huge normal sized one but I figured that would be way to much mess for the amount of pumpkin I would need, so I got a little fella. Now when I thought spice I initially thought, OOO spicy. And that's where the hot sauce idea came from for the 'spice' part of the 'pumpkin spice latte'. Now you might be wondering, well where's the latte part? Well... there isn't one. It's just a title I guess. But it really was a gross pumpkin spice latte that, if I drank more than a sip, I would probably have some seriously upset stomach and terrible regret later. If you catch my drift.

Well I hope you liked this little back story on my will it creamer series and on this video. If you want to check out the video, I would probably love you forever. Unless you stink. Then I'll love everything about you but your stench. OH and go brew up some love for somebody!

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