Monday, October 24, 2016

Now that I am coming up on my one year youtube anniversary, I want to go into detail on really how my youtube channel first started and the struggles of me not knowing what the heck I was doing.

So on Black Friday morning last year, I was at my parents place just having breakfast and really just relaxing. At that point I really wanted to start a youtube channel but didn't know where to start because, I didn't have a camera! I realized, oh it's Black Friday, and found a freaking 'sweet' deal on Best Buys website for a little dash cam that was like 80 bucks initially but was down to 30. I thought, heck that must be a great idea, and decided to go and get it.

So my camera comes in the mail and I'm freaking pumped. I get this super nice HD 1080p dash cam for such a cheap deal and think, 'Youtube Stardom here I come!'. Then I realize after filming my intro video, MAN. This quality sucks! The audio sucks, the video sucks, and I guess it didn't help that I was editing it on a 2008 mac book (not pro. not air. just mac book) with imovie. That and my initial set up was me. Sitting in the living room, a pillow set up behind me to give a nice solid background, and a chair in front of me with books stacked up for my little dash cam to film me. No mic, no audio editing, and the highest of quality 2008 iMovie I could get! It was then that I realized I should probably get a new camera and a mic for my videos!

So fast forward to Christmas. I get a mic from the in laws (because they knew I was getting into this youtube thing and wanted to support me. Which in all honesty, was pretty awesome) and I got thinking, ok. So I have this nice mic but this crappy camera, I need to upgrade my life. This is where I consulted the Reddit. I put up an 'askreddit' where I pretty much asked Reddit what camera I should get (I'm lucky I got out as unscathed as I did, as Reddit can be pretty brutal at times). The only comment I got was from a guy who said, yo, check out this refurbed camera off of Cannons website. It's only 100 bucks! Now at that point I was really checking out cameras and when I saw it was 100 bucks, I was like, dude. This might be a really good deal. After looking up the specs and ratings on the camera, I decided to jump in head first, and man I'm glad I did. That camera has so far proved to be the best camera I could have gotten with the money!

As for the new set, I have this 'man cave' at my place with all my guy stuff in it. It has a nice little futon and figured, hey, we got these dinner trays, why not use that for my set? So far the wife hasn't kicked my butt for using them as my table and it's worked out quite nicely! If you want any pictures of any of these neat little things, just comment down below. I'd love to share them so you get to see more of what I was working with.

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